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Selectmen Minutes 06/15/06
Town of Greenfield
Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
       Thursday – June 15, 2006 – 5:45 pm

Present: Selectmen - Chairman, Conrad Dumas; Selectman, Aaron Kullgren; Selectman George Rainier
Selectman Dumas will call the meeting to order at 5:45pm
Administrative Assistant, Deb Davidson taking minutes
6:30 – Zephyr Lake Rd. & Slip Rd., Stop Sign Hearing –
Selectman Dumas stepped off the Selectboard for the purpose of this public hearing.
Selectman Rainier opened the public hearing by asking the Administrative Assistant where the hearing was noticed, it was noticed in the Peterborough Transcript & Monadnock Ledger the week of 6/8/06.
Selectman Rainier further discussed the purpose of this hearing was that a request was made to have a stop sign placed on the corner of Slip Rd. & Zephyr Lake Road.  
Lengthy discussion followed on where the stop sign should be placed.  
Conrad Dumas discussed that personally, he liked the idea of a painted white line, as well as a stop sign on Zephyr Lake Road.   Though there is increased traffic, he has lived here for over 20 years and there has never been an accident, however he does support safety.
Mrs. Heck discussed that her thought was at least one additional stop sign.  She discussed several times cars cut the corner & run the stop sign that is already there.  
Linda Souza  stated that she lives right at the intersection,  she has lived here for 3 years and has seen many cars go through the stop signs; she would like to have the speeding vehicles & those vehicles that do not stop at the stop sign addressed.
It was agreed that after a week or so, residents will be aware of a new stop sign and with additional police patrol they will slow down.
Mrs. Heck suggested wrapping the new sign with orange tape to make it visible.
Discussion of a sign being placed saying “stop ahead”.  
6:53 the hearing was closed.
Motion by Selectman Rainier to request the DPW to place a stop sign and paint white lines at the corner of Zephyr Lake Road, and to further wrap the stop sign poles with orange marker tape.  Seconded by Selectman Kullgren.  Voted:  Kullgren, Yes; Rainier, Yes.  Unanimous.  

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Selectmen’s Meeting
June 15, 2006

On-going Business:
Wage & Benefits –  WORK ON BENEFITS – This was tabled at this time, Selectmen will keep this on the agenda until complete.
·       Overtime
·       Insurances
·       Personal/Sick Time
Church Lease – The stained glass windows in the Meeting House were discussed.  Selectmen continued to work on the lease, making minor changes. Discussion followed regarding if the Board should contact Attorney Teague with regards to “if there are parts of the building attached (i.e. pews, windows, lighting fixtures, etc.) didn’t the town at some time, give the church permission to install them?  Who really owns these items?”  
Selectmen will write up questions and send them off to Attorney Teague and/or his office.
1.      Church alleges they own windows, pews, ligting fixtures, etc.  what if we have a difference of opinion, how do we determine who owns them.  Give them a list in the lease of who owns what, come to an agreement etc.?
2.      Are we obligated to charge fair market value for rent? Or can we base the rent off the cost of the rent?  Should we look at rentals in the area of other commercial properties?
3.      Any Greenfield resident could ask to be married, buried or baptised in the sanctuary. However, if the church does not feel comfortable with the situation or would not be able to provide the  paster to perform the ceremony – the resident could provide their own?
Parks & Rec. –
Code Violation –
Light Duty Policy – Selectmen reviewed, discussed and adopted a light duty policy.  
Motion by Selectman Kullgren to adopt the Policy to include a Workers Compensation Policy for a Temporary Alternate Work program for the Town of Greenfield.  This policy will be included in the Towns Personnel Handbook.   Seconded by Selectmen Rainier & Dumas…Voted:  Rainier, Yes; Dumas, Yes; Kullgren, Yes. -  Unanimous vote in the affirmative.
Discussion followed, Selectman Kullgren stated he would like to have a clear definition of what “temporary” is.  Based upon the policy provided the definition of temporary is 4 months, this policy does allow Selectmen discretion if necessary.  The Board further discussed that temporary, for this particular board, will be reviewed on a case-by-case situation.  They were uncomfortable with an open-ended time of temporary.

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Selectmen’s Meeting
June 15, 2006

Auditors - Auditors were here this week auditing our grant funding.  Things are in line, however the Central Office needs to be provided with a copy of the grant application, as well as the notice of approval for the Fire Dept. Homeland Security Grant.  Jim Plourde will provide this to Deb.
Other Business:
Selectmen Approval –
·       P/R checks & A/P invoices
·       Minutes – accept 6/8/06 as written
·       Intent to cut – Crotched Mtn.; State - $1500.00 Road Bond to be posted for the State
·       Muzzy Hill Road Upgrade – Selectmen reviewed Mark & Rhonda Cilley’s road upgrade proposal – Administrative Assistant was instructed to contact Chairman Carrara of the Planning Board and request at least 4 members of the Planning Board be present for the Scenic Road Public Hearing, scheduled for June 22 at 7:00 pm.
·       Driscoll Road- An appeal for Breton Eva, who purchased the property, filed administrative ruling with the ZBA formerly owned by Paul MulCahey.  Mr. Eva applied for a building permit and was denied, they would like to build one home at the end of Driscoll Road in Greenfield, they currently reside in Lyndeborough with access to their property through Greenfield side of Driscoll Road.
·       Waste Water – Mr. Carbee will be rescheduled for next week, allowing him adequate time for his concerns with the Selectmen.  Administrative Assistant will contact him to discuss a time.
·       Greenfield Recycle Committee – Selectmen reviewed a memo from Neal Brown with regards to requesting Selectmen to clarify some misinformation that was reported in the local paper.  Selectmen would like to meet with Mr. Brown at a meeting in the near future to discuss their recommendations.
·       Rural Development – Selectmen instructed the Administrative Assistant to research how much funding is left in the RD grant account and to further work on the proposal for a handicap ramp.  Deb will contact Scott Johnson to discuss this and report to the Board.
With no further business the Selectmen adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm.   The next scheduled meeting will be Thursday, June 22, 2006 at 5:45 pm.